On Despair

Despair is not new to me. In fact, he and I are old acquaintances. When one succumbs to despair, that is like acknowledging the absence of all hope, even if it were for just one moment in time, that millisecond. In that moment, you let yourself be defeated. I should know, I have been defeated many times in my stint on Earth. I am but 24, yet sometimes I feel so weary, when I think of the path that is laid before me. The road is long and dark, and there are many crossroads, each leading to some uncharted territory which is enshrouded in the mists of the unknown. Only one thing is certain, the fact that there will be trials, hardship, betrayal, pain and loss.

Life is hard, and I'm not a disillusioned fool that believes it will be a dance on roses. Good guys don't always win, despite the messages of sugar-coated fairytale, the mass-produced bullshit that Hollywood is so keen on broadcasting to the masses. Or the government for that matter. Everyone gets screwed over. Yet I am not bitter, somewhat cynical, but no, not bitter.

I had an epiphany in Greece. Dying is easy, you just close your eyes, and embrace the oncoming the end of the journey, the eternal quiet. Living is the hard part. Yet, we create the prison on Earth ourselves. We forge our own shackles. Everyone is so caught up in their own problems, their own pain, that they do not hear the screams of the multitude who suffers alongside them.

Ok. Enough emo shit. This is me signing off....

Hail Angie


On Female-gaming

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how much back-talking there is within the female gaming scene. One might think that after years of revolution, the attitudes of female gamers would also be in the developing part. I was wrong.

The hypocrisy of female gamers seem to be currently at an all-time level of high, with people dragging different clans and individual gamers? names through the mud whenever there is something that they do not agree with. Need I explain? Well, clan rivalries have always and always will exist, but when people publicly air their differences, then I think that is just in bad taste. I do believe that I speak for many when I say that we do not want to listen to how whoever it is that hurt your feelings, or what they do in their spare time, that is irrelevant. We do not want to see name-calling on public forums and people attacking each other, exploiting the others' personal weaknesses. We do not want to see people overreacting, especially when they do not have all the facts at hand. We most definitely do not want people spreading malicious rumours about us to people that have no part in the conflict. Not only is that ugly, that's illegal. SLANDER. Definition: Law Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. Yes folks, that is punishable in the eyes of the law.

With so many disgruntled male-gamers that envy the seemingly ease of which female clans get sponsors and attention, there is already enough fuel to encourage rumours of how females use their sex and capitalize on their looks to get where they are. In some cases, this could be true, but it is more of an anomaly than a norm. Others work their asses off to promote their gaming skills, which is the only way to go. Actually, the ONLY way to go. Instead of adding to the bonfire which is actually targeted at us, female gamers should in fact try to resolve their differences and work together as a tightly-knit community. We need all the support we can get and what better way to get it from each other? Don't get me wrong, I've been in the female gaming scene for a long time, albeit incognito, and I must state that not all are immature, attention-grabbing and virtually impossible to reason with logically. I'm just pointing out that all of you who recognize these symptoms within yourselves, try to start with the woman you see in the mirror. You can change.

Lastly, what I don't understand is why some women have to take everything so personally. They can simply take a random piece of information or event and somehow manage to turn it around and make it out to be an issue about them. Please. The whole world does not revolve around you, no matter how much you wish it to be. Yes, I am referring to you.


Hail Angie


On Season's Greetings and Yada Yada

The Christmas Season has always been prone to give me the Holiday Blues, but this year, I found a lot to be thankful for. We should all be thankful for the life we've been given, and try to make the best out of it. We're not promised that there will be a tomorrow, and we should never take our health for granted. Life is fragile, and losing someone close to us is never easy, but to do so during a time best spent with your loved ones, is a feeling I cannot imagine, but I can sympathise with. My thoughts are with you, you know who you are, and that if at any time, you need someone to talk to, I'm here.

It is a common fact that people take things for granted, and why we do so is a big mystery. Perhaps we are easily lulled into the state of mind that, things will always last the way we want them to. Perhaps we should actually wake up and count our blessings, for the things that we have, and not take them for granted. To be appreciative for all the little things that we are used to having, but seldom pay any attention to. To not wish for things that we don't have, and not envy our neighbours who do.

So, this is a small little list of what I have to be thankful for this season:

  • The Love of my friends and family
  • My health
  • My lucid thoughts (most of the time)
  • All the material things that I have managed to acquire, not an important aspect, but still, appreciated
  • My character-building life experience, even though it has never been easy, still I am thankful for it
  • The wisdom of some select few that I have been blessed with receiving

On the lighter side, I am looking forward to my father's very generous Christmas present, an all-expense paid trip to Paris, including shopping. While I will be a little superficial and focus on pretty things like Dior, Chanel, Rykiel, Vuitton, I am actually looking forward to going to the Louvre, Notre Dame, and perhaps Moulin Rouge. There is so much I want to see and experience there, so it will be hectic, but I can hardly wait. I will definitely write about that trip and include tons of pictures. Perhaps I will include a list of people I have flamed in Paris when I get back, since I heard that some Frenchies can be retarded. :P

Well, I'm off to eating more food, yummy honey-glazed ribs are waiting for me in the kitchen, so I shall leave you all with a sweet little clip to enjoy this Christmas. Hug your loved ones, and make sure that they know you love and appreciate them.

Hail Angie


On Possesions

I believe that the more possessions one has, the more important he is. Considering the number of pens, pieces of torn paper, mangled bits of staples and rusty paper clips that I have scattered on my desk, I think I warrant the royal red-carpet treatment, complete with eight half-naked man-slaves with glistening bodies to attend my every whim and desire. Slaves, now that is an interesting subject.*A long time ago, before even the ideas of modern contraceptives were conceived, rich white people used to engage in the buying and selling of the not-as-rich black people. Yes, they sold prime specimens of the coloured population to other white people who were incapable of taking care of themselves while they barter away their humanity for material gains. However, there is a perfectly logical and valid explanation for that. They could not possibly live nobly while they were preoccupied with the greater task of profiting from another man's misery, now could they? I digress. Slave trade was common, and many rich colonial families owned at least five slaves. That, too, is justifiable. I mean, how could one actually expect dinner to be served promptly when the cook has to be out in the fields to thrash corn? Nevertheless, a respectable businessman was expected to own at least a couple of slaves to do the . . . everything.

The one thing I do not seem to get (maybe it's because I'm obtuse) is how does one actually own another human being? Perhaps they were possessed in thinking that it was possible. Back then, one owned a person, in the legal sense, if one could produce the necessary papers of purchase, especially if the slave in question cannot even pay his own market price. So, now we have ascertained the fact that one could have owned the slave's person. However, how does one own the whole individual, mind and soul included with the body? You cannot dominate another person's spirit, unless he was broken down by being subjected to systematic and brutal torture. Even then, it is a risky venture, with no clear win-win situation prognosis. If things went awry with the experimentation, not only would you have lost a lot of time that could have been spent pursuing pleasure elsewhere, but also the payment you put out for the slave, whom by then, would be too incapacitated for his original purpose.

Supposing you treated your property well, and one could gradually see the increase in the slave population. The initial reaction would be a congratulatory self-pat on the back for a wise investment that would lead you to further economic gains. Until of course, you realised that when left to themselves, they reverted back to nature; they reproduced. Suddenly the prospects were not at all that bright, when the problems started to arise. As the population steadily increased, so did dissension among the slaves. Your morale plunged, when the realization of the burdens of having to feed so many mouths finally sank in. You began to see the horrifying images of bushels of money disappearing to THEM. So you did the most rational thing, you limited their food supply. The law of nature helped you predict that the strongest would survive when they begin to fight amongst themselves for food. Hopefully, the weak and lazy ones who are not suitable for hard work will be eliminated in the process. Once again, a congratulatory self-pat on the back for another crisis averted.

Then, the inconceivable happened. The spirits that you could not exorcise from their bodies return to haunt you. The slaves revolted. Fortunately, they were severely disadvantaged due to the fact that you, in your typical farsightedness, have ensured that they would be weak from the combination of heavy toils in your plantation and the meagre amount of food given to them. They were quickly beaten back into another age of oppression by the backup forces sent by your sympathizers.

Not to worry though, the slaves will have their revenge, but they will have to wait another couple of hundred years for the invention of MTV.

Hail Angie


* The timeline here is a loose term and should not be held in the greatest degree of accuracy.

On Starting Up

Well, I figured that I should publish something whilst the HTML-codes are still "wet", so to speak. Yes, I am another one of those dratted geeks, well-versed in the art of 1337-speak. (Kindly insert a commercial piece on my Counterstrike clan #Carnifex here.) ^^ My binary is useless, though, so don't expect much from that quarter.

Since I'm a fresh, new personality, I thought I might just let you, dear readers, get to know me as an author, not as a person, a little better.

First off, here's the disclaimer to this blogg (yes, the spelling is actually blog, but heck, this is a Swedish site).

I reserve the right to:
  • Criticise, belittle and poke fun at useless numb-nuts and retarded half-wits (metaphorically-speaking), who most probably will deserve it most of the time,
  • Bring up touchy, sensitive and controversial issues (and handle them however I please, *cba tiptoeing on eggshells),
  • Resist all attempts of readers trying to brainwash me with their opinions. I am not a sheep. -_- I do listen to others' counsel on things, but I prefer to draw the conclusions myself, thank you very much.
  • Look forward to "hate-mails" and "hate-comments" from some of my readers, it just soooo makes my day. Most of the time, their logic is non-existent, and their debating techniques comprise of circular arguments and attacks on their adversaries' personal attributes. (IB students will know what I'm talking about.)
Well, that covers about all on that subject.

Secondly, why the heck is this post in English? Well, I prefer English to be honest, and in my opinion, (for all of you who understand g33k) English > Swedish. English = Imba Language. Gief English is thx. Therefore, it is safe for you to presume that all my future posts will be in English.

MEN det betyder inte att jag INTE förstår svenska, vilket innebär att ifall mina kära läsare vill förolämpa mig på något språk de antar att jag inte kan, är svenska uteslutet. Dessutom så välkomnar jag förolämpningar på andra språk (som t.ex. bosniska, polska, ryska, spanska, franska, italienska, finska, danska, norska, kinesiska, japanska etc) så länge det finns bifogad översättning. Det hjälper mig att utöka mitt ordförråd. ^^

Förresten, är det helt ok för er att lämna kommentarer på svenska, dock kan jag inte lova att mina eventuella svar till dem kommer att vara på svenska.

Moving on ...

Thirdly, I might be using a few abbreviations in my posts which people are not acquainted with, therefore, if there are any abbreviations or concepts I touch upon in my posts that I deem to be somewhat, unusual, there will be an asterix in front of the word, and the explanations can be found at the end of the post. For example, the explanation of the above bold and underlined term "cba".

Enough for now, I'll leave you to digest the above. You're always welcome in, and all new fanboys are much appreciated. I need to impress the people of Quakenet with my personal collection of fanboys. ^^

Hail Angie


* Cba = Can't be arsed

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