On Female-gaming

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how much back-talking there is within the female gaming scene. One might think that after years of revolution, the attitudes of female gamers would also be in the developing part. I was wrong.

The hypocrisy of female gamers seem to be currently at an all-time level of high, with people dragging different clans and individual gamers? names through the mud whenever there is something that they do not agree with. Need I explain? Well, clan rivalries have always and always will exist, but when people publicly air their differences, then I think that is just in bad taste. I do believe that I speak for many when I say that we do not want to listen to how whoever it is that hurt your feelings, or what they do in their spare time, that is irrelevant. We do not want to see name-calling on public forums and people attacking each other, exploiting the others' personal weaknesses. We do not want to see people overreacting, especially when they do not have all the facts at hand. We most definitely do not want people spreading malicious rumours about us to people that have no part in the conflict. Not only is that ugly, that's illegal. SLANDER. Definition: Law Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. Yes folks, that is punishable in the eyes of the law.

With so many disgruntled male-gamers that envy the seemingly ease of which female clans get sponsors and attention, there is already enough fuel to encourage rumours of how females use their sex and capitalize on their looks to get where they are. In some cases, this could be true, but it is more of an anomaly than a norm. Others work their asses off to promote their gaming skills, which is the only way to go. Actually, the ONLY way to go. Instead of adding to the bonfire which is actually targeted at us, female gamers should in fact try to resolve their differences and work together as a tightly-knit community. We need all the support we can get and what better way to get it from each other? Don't get me wrong, I've been in the female gaming scene for a long time, albeit incognito, and I must state that not all are immature, attention-grabbing and virtually impossible to reason with logically. I'm just pointing out that all of you who recognize these symptoms within yourselves, try to start with the woman you see in the mirror. You can change.

Lastly, what I don't understand is why some women have to take everything so personally. They can simply take a random piece of information or event and somehow manage to turn it around and make it out to be an issue about them. Please. The whole world does not revolve around you, no matter how much you wish it to be. Yes, I am referring to you.


Hail Angie



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