On Starting Up
Well, I figured that I should publish something whilst the HTML-codes are still "wet", so to speak. Yes, I am another one of those dratted geeks, well-versed in the art of 1337-speak. (Kindly insert a commercial piece on my Counterstrike clan #Carnifex here.) ^^ My binary is useless, though, so don't expect much from that quarter.
Since I'm a fresh, new personality, I thought I might just let you, dear readers, get to know me as an author, not as a person, a little better.
First off, here's the disclaimer to this blogg (yes, the spelling is actually blog, but heck, this is a Swedish site).
I reserve the right to:
Secondly, why the heck is this post in English? Well, I prefer English to be honest, and in my opinion, (for all of you who understand g33k) English > Swedish. English = Imba Language. Gief English is thx. Therefore, it is safe for you to presume that all my future posts will be in English.
MEN det betyder inte att jag INTE förstår svenska, vilket innebär att ifall mina kära läsare vill förolämpa mig på något språk de antar att jag inte kan, är svenska uteslutet. Dessutom så välkomnar jag förolämpningar på andra språk (som t.ex. bosniska, polska, ryska, spanska, franska, italienska, finska, danska, norska, kinesiska, japanska etc) så länge det finns bifogad översättning. Det hjälper mig att utöka mitt ordförråd. ^^
Förresten, är det helt ok för er att lämna kommentarer på svenska, dock kan jag inte lova att mina eventuella svar till dem kommer att vara på svenska.
Moving on ...
Thirdly, I might be using a few abbreviations in my posts which people are not acquainted with, therefore, if there are any abbreviations or concepts I touch upon in my posts that I deem to be somewhat, unusual, there will be an asterix in front of the word, and the explanations can be found at the end of the post. For example, the explanation of the above bold and underlined term "cba".
Enough for now, I'll leave you to digest the above. You're always welcome in, and all new fanboys are much appreciated. I need to impress the people of Quakenet with my personal collection of fanboys. ^^
Hail Angie
* Cba = Can't be arsed
Since I'm a fresh, new personality, I thought I might just let you, dear readers, get to know me as an author, not as a person, a little better.
First off, here's the disclaimer to this blogg (yes, the spelling is actually blog, but heck, this is a Swedish site).
I reserve the right to:
- Criticise, belittle and poke fun at useless numb-nuts and retarded half-wits (metaphorically-speaking), who most probably will deserve it most of the time,
- Bring up touchy, sensitive and controversial issues (and handle them however I please, *cba tiptoeing on eggshells),
- Resist all attempts of readers trying to brainwash me with their opinions. I am not a sheep. -_- I do listen to others' counsel on things, but I prefer to draw the conclusions myself, thank you very much.
- Look forward to "hate-mails" and "hate-comments" from some of my readers, it just soooo makes my day. Most of the time, their logic is non-existent, and their debating techniques comprise of circular arguments and attacks on their adversaries' personal attributes. (IB students will know what I'm talking about.)
Secondly, why the heck is this post in English? Well, I prefer English to be honest, and in my opinion, (for all of you who understand g33k) English > Swedish. English = Imba Language. Gief English is thx. Therefore, it is safe for you to presume that all my future posts will be in English.
MEN det betyder inte att jag INTE förstår svenska, vilket innebär att ifall mina kära läsare vill förolämpa mig på något språk de antar att jag inte kan, är svenska uteslutet. Dessutom så välkomnar jag förolämpningar på andra språk (som t.ex. bosniska, polska, ryska, spanska, franska, italienska, finska, danska, norska, kinesiska, japanska etc) så länge det finns bifogad översättning. Det hjälper mig att utöka mitt ordförråd. ^^
Förresten, är det helt ok för er att lämna kommentarer på svenska, dock kan jag inte lova att mina eventuella svar till dem kommer att vara på svenska.
Moving on ...
Thirdly, I might be using a few abbreviations in my posts which people are not acquainted with, therefore, if there are any abbreviations or concepts I touch upon in my posts that I deem to be somewhat, unusual, there will be an asterix in front of the word, and the explanations can be found at the end of the post. For example, the explanation of the above bold and underlined term "cba".
Enough for now, I'll leave you to digest the above. You're always welcome in, and all new fanboys are much appreciated. I need to impress the people of Quakenet with my personal collection of fanboys. ^^
Hail Angie
* Cba = Can't be arsed